Grape Wine

3 & 1/4 cup sugar

1 package yeast

1 large can Welch’s grape juice

Mix sugar and yeast well. Stir and add thawed grape juice. Stir, and add water until it makes almost a gallon. Put cap on gallon container and shake. Remove cap and place large balloon on container. Place in warm place for 21 days. Strain with cheese cloth. Note: Container should be gallon jug with small top.

When Leigh Anne was in kindergarten we made this wine. She watched the balloon get bigger and bigger each day. She kept saying that she was taking Mrs. Buford (her teacher) a bottle when it got ready. Well, the day we strained it and poured it into bottles, Leigh couldn’t wait to take a bottle to Frances. We put it into a brown bag for her to take.

She walked into the class with that bag and everyone wanted to know what she had brought Mrs. Buford. We had tipped Frances that Leigh was bringing it that day and therefore, she was ready. She thanked Leigh and placed the bag in her desk. Of course, Leigh told every kid in her class that it was wine that her daddy made!

Recipe by Robert G. Sharpe