
Sharpe Family


As Bob and I was sitting around one day watching television and talking, I made the remark that I should write a “Sharpe Family Cookbook”. He took me seriously and said that he could see no reason why not. I mentioned it to Kim and Leigh and they both agreed. Thus, the Sharpe Family Recipe book began to take shape.

As I began to talk with other members of the family, the book spread into more than just a cookbook. I determined that most of the children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren knew very little about the history of their family. Then I began to vision a small booked packed with recipes from some of the greatest cooks in America; with the history of each family weaved throughout the book.

The generosity of each family member who graciously shared treasured recipes and family history, is greatly appreciated. I have tried to be sure that I have given credit to everyone who has helped to make this vision come true.

I must give special thanks to Janis Jones Pulley for so generously donating her time and talent to designing the cover of this book and also sketching the homes of the remaining children of Leslie G. Sharpe, Jr. Special thanks also to Doris Jean Sharpe Ferguson who researched the Sharpe family history and let me take that research and condense, revise, and adapt it to be compatible with this book. I cannot overlook the help Joyce Sharpe Pulley, whom without her advice and counsel, the road to making this book would have been much more rocky. My gratitude goes to you, Joyce. I know that through the many telephone calls, letters and materials sent, that it has brought back memories to many of you. I hope that most of them were good.

I have enjoyed putting this project together for your pleasure. I have tried to be as careful as I could but I am not a professional writer, so if you run across any errors, please be as generous with me as you have with the materials for this book. In other words, I disclaim responsibility for any mistakes in the recipes, any recognition mistakenly left out, and any typing errors you may find in this book!

My love, thanks and devotion go to Bob, Kim, Leigh, Sydney and Brad. Bob and Kim for listening to the typing and readily agreeing to my requests of proofreading at all hours of the day and night. Leigh, for writing her version of the history of our family and the many great suggestions she provided. Sydney, for giving me a break from typing when I needed it – also, just for letting me love her and her so generously returning that love as only a child can. Brad, for being so generous and letting his family visit us whenever they choose.

Please enjoy, and know that this book was put together with loving thoughts and prayers.

Ella Jean Walker Sharpe 


Leslie G. Sharpe November 11, 1906 to February 9, 1989
Julia Stringfellow Sharpe November 17, 1901 to May 31, 1988

The pleasure that I have taken in writing the Dedication for the Sharpe Family Recipe Book has come from a pail of pleasure that continues to overflow much like a spring of crystal clear, fresh water that never empties. This pail of pleasure comes from a source so rich with memories that our lifetime shall never see it empty.

Families are and always have been the moral fiber and strength that keeps our country free and strong. As the dictionary describes family as a “unit or union.” I find a better description to be: An ever widening circle of love.

How fortunate we are that the union of Mom and Dad created (with God’s help, of course) a family taught from childhood the real meaning of the word love and more importantly, how to give love and receive love within family. Their love for each other and their love for all of their children could never be reduced to pages of words, for after all, talking love is cheap, free and nothing more than words. Living love is inbred by two people who love each other so strongly that it endures all troubles, trials, and tribulations and teaches the lesson of love without the spoken word. Such was the life of Mom and Dad Sharpe.

There can never be a greater reward or dedication to them than the continuation of the love of family to brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, uncles, aunts, and grandparents may the circle of love continue to grow in size but more importantly to grow in real, true love. I know of no other tribute that will brighten their eyes or put smiles on their faces as the real love of their family unit.

In their memory and in their love, this book is dedicated to Mom and Dad Sharpe. Thank you Mom and Dad.

Robert G. Sharpe