5 eggs
1/2 pound butter
1 cup sugar
2 cup sifted all purpose flour
1 pound candied cherries
1 pound candied pineapple
4 cup broken pecans
2 tbsp vanilla
2 tbsp lemon extract
Cream butter well, add sugar and cream until fluffy. Beat eggs well and add, blend with creamed mixture. Chop fruits and nuts and mix with a small amount of the flour. Sift remaining flour. Fold into creamed mixture. Add flavorings. Fold in fruits and nuts.
Line tube pan or loaf pans with greased paper. Put in batter. Put into cold oven and bake at 250 degrees until done, about 1 & 1/2 hours, or until it shrinks from the pan. This cake can be frozen. It makes just a little less than 5 pounds. No liquid other than the flavorings is needed.
Recipe by Doris Jean Ferguson